Welcoming the Aquarius New Moon

The New Moon signifies fresh starts and new intentions. It’s the perfect time for reflection, and planning ahead. Tonight’s moon is the Aquarius New Moon. Aquarians, like myself, are known for known for being forward-thinking, and community minded. Without delving into a deep astrological discussion – which is not my forte – let’s take a moment to consider WHY this first new moon of the year is significant? What is it about an Aquarius New Moon that is so energetic?

New Intentions. So take a moment right now and speak your intention – or your words – for the year. Put them out there to the Universe. I chose three words, trusting in that number for added oomph. My words for 2020 are: Focus. Prosperity. Health.

Community minded. Aquarians are, by nature, community driven people. We are social. We tend to be activists. We tend to jump into action with both feet. I encourage you to get off the bench, step out of your safety zone, and blossom. Allow yourself to reach your full potential. Whatever is holding us back, let’s let go together and thrive together. Focus on individual self, our businesses, and our community. Through Focus, we WILL Prosper. Believe in yourself and we will attract what we need and who we need. Let’s create our own magic this year.

Speaking of magic, plan to come to our Midsummer Holistic Expo on Sunday, 28 June. My vision is to bring the magazine to life and connect people. So, inside there will be predominately mind-body-spirit vendors. Outside will be herb, gardening, and sustainable living related vendors. We currently have two rooms set aside for speakers. The Keynote Speaker will be Eagle Skyfire, Shaman and Seer. She has this incredible energy about her. It is both calming and energizing at the same time.

Health and activism are going to have to meld for me personally this year. I have to learn to be my own activist in order to improve my health. At 50 though some habits are hard to break. That, and Aquarians can be a stubborn lot! This year, I hope to bring you more natural health related articles. My personal goals relating to health are to loose weight and gain control over my diabetes.

~ Jeanne

(c) 2020, Therapeutic Thymes, LLC

Author: Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman
