Submissions Guidelines
Therapeutic Thymes Magazine is a quarterly holistic magazine dedicated to promoting a more natural, therapeutic, and sustainable way of life. We blend herbs and gardening with the metaphysical and magical. We’re looking forward to hearing about your original idea! Please review the general guidelines below, then contact us via the email at the end of this page.
Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Art Therapy, Chakra Work, Chiropractic Care, Crystal Healing, Essential Oils, Flower Essence Therapy, Gardening, Herbal Remedies, Homesteading, How To …, Hypnotherapy, Massage Therapy, Meditation, Moon Work, Recipes, Reiki, Sound Therapy, Spiritual Development, Sustainable Living, and Tai Chi. Suggestions welcomed as well.
- Brand names, proprietary names, or trademarks. This includes, but is not limited to, herbal blends, supplements, and essential oils.
- Recommendations for ingestion of essential oils unless you have been professionally trained in aromatic medicine
- The words “to treat” or “treatment” unless your scope of practice allows such terminology. If it does, include that title or license as part of your byline, as well as in your bio.
- Do not include your photos within the body of your text. Please attach separately.
- Articles are not advertisements for a specific product or service. Leave the plugs for your bio.
- Accepted article length: 500-2000 words. We believe the article will end naturally when the story does.
- Accepted language: English (USA)
- Required format: Word .doc or .docx
- High resolution photos must be yours (or include written permission to reprint).
- Please only submit articles that have been proofread and corrected for grammar and punctuation. All data must be fact-checked prior to submission.
- When mentioning a plant, herb, oil, etc., please refer to it the first time using its botanical name, then the common name of the plant.
- All references must be cited via numbered notations within the article and a full list of numbered references at the end of the article.
- Articles should be informative and not a sales pitch.
Each author whose article is accepted for publication will receive the following in exchange for their article:
- An author feature space – on our Contributors page – that includes your bio, photograph, and contact information. The digital copy (available at will link off to the links you provide in your bio.
- The author agrees that the article is their own original work and gives Therapeutic Thymes, LLC the First North American Serial Rights. They also agree that Therapeutic Thymes, LLC may republish the article in a future compilation, on its website, or other material.
- Articles submitted are not guaranteed to be published in the magazine. We will let you know, normally within 10 business days, if we plan to include your article in the magazine or if your article is not a good fit for our publication at this time.
- Photos submitted with your article are not guaranteed to be included with your article in the magazine.
- Do not submit your article to other publications until one year after it has been published in our magazine. If an article published in our magazine is going to be published elsewhere after this period, please include the following statement in the article: “This article was originally published in the [specific] issue of Therapeutic Thymes Magazine.”
- A brief professional bio (100 – 300 words approximately)
- Your contact information (web address, email address, phone number, relevant social media links, etc. – however you would like readers to be able to find/contact you)
- A professional quality head shot (300 dpi) + photographer credit/contact information (Please make sure you have the photographer’s permission to use the photo.)
When you are ready to submit your article, please send everything in the checklist above in one email to with the article. Do not send separate emails with the different items from the checklist.