Dana Jefferson, C.Ht., Ph.D., CAHA

ContirbutorsDana Jefferson has a private practice at the Natural Connection Wellness Center in Huntingdon, PA where she is President of the Huntingdon Health and Wellness Association.  She is a certified hypnotherapist and honors graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.  Dana is a member of the American Hypnosis Association and Hypnotherapy Union Local 472.

Dana is retired from her work at the University of Massachusetts Boston and as the Director of Human Resource (HR) Management for the state of Delaware.   She has a Ph.D. in Psychology,  is certified in conflict resolution, and is a Covey Principle-Centered Leadership Facilitator.  Dana has taught psychology and HR management at the University of Delaware.

Dana has had the opportunity to train with many gifted spiritual leaders including: Michael Harner, Ph.D., Sandra Harner, Ph.D., Larry Peters, Ph.D., Tom Cowan, Serge King, Ed “Two Moons” Rothwell, Jane Ely, Kay Cordell Whitaker, John Perkins, Sandra Ingerman, Geo Cameron, Doña Bernadette Vigil, Nicki Scully, and Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq.

Dana is an ordained interfaith minister.  Dana is a Reiki Master in two traditions and graduate level Feng Shui practitioner.  She is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Three-Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing and a three-year apprenticeship with the Buffalo Trace Society (including a vision quest).  She has completed coursework in Harner Method Shamanic Counseling and advanced studies in Celtic, Toltec, and Tibetan Shamanism including studies in foreign countries.  Dana worked with women’s groups for over 20 years including conducting weekend retreats and Croning ceremonies.  She is a member of Red Tents in Every Neighborhood Global Network and has trained in Purple Tents.  Additional advanced hypnotherapy certifications including Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Pain Management, and Past Live Regression provide a comprehensive toolkit of services to Dana’s clients.

(c) 2020, Therapeutic Thymes, LLC

Tracy Lake

Tracy Lake is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)-200, master herbalist, Reiki master/teacher, certified Soundwerker and certified vibroacoustic therapist as well as being an experienced tarot card reader. Tracy received her training RYT at Anjali yoga school and is a member of the Yoga Alliance. She has received continuing education in chair yoga, trauma sensitive yoga and mindful resilience.  A veteran herself, Tracy received the latter training from the Veteran’s Yoga Project. Tracy completed studies with the Global College of Natural Medicine in 2010 receiving certificates as a master herbalist and a holistic health practitioner.  She worked at a local herb shop under the supervision of an experienced herbalist prior to forming her own company, Lake House Wellness, located in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.  Tracy studied with Kate Kunkel, receiving certification as a vibroacoustic practitioner and is a member of Vibroacoustic Therapy International.  She has received Reiki master training in both westernized Reiki and traditional Japanese Reiki.  Tracy offers individual sessions for the modalities listed here.  She also teaches and co-teaches a variety of workshops including mindfulness, Reiki, herbs, tarot, and sound healing.  Lake House Wellness can be found on Facebook as Lake House Wellness, Pinterest as Lake House Wellness and at www.lakehousewellnessllc.com .  Given her background, including her time spent in nursing, Tracy feels called to assist people in reconnecting with themselves and reclaiming their wellness.  She can be contacted through her website or directly at lakehousewellnessllc@gmail.com .

(c) 2020, Therapeutic Thymes, LLC